Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'm alive again!

So, over the past year I basically fell off the face of the earth and lost touch with just about everyone I was friends with. Well I'm glad to say that I finally got over the extreme state of depression I was in and have been feeling better than ever before. I want to thank all of the true friends of mine who didn't give up on me. I honestly could not have done any of this alone and some of you really made a huge impact on my life by staying with me. I apologize to everyone I've blown off, I went through weeks of not leaving my room and passing time alone because I felt so out there. I would more than love to rekindle friendships that have faded out this year. If anyone would like to do so, contact me. I've been taking meds for anxiety and they've really helped me out and got my head above the water. I've even been looking at things with a positive state of mind as of late. There's one girl whom I owe just about everything to for making me take the small steps to eventually beat depression. I'm sure she knows who she is and even though she's driven me insane sometimes, she basically saved me. I couldn't be more thankful to her. Well, I just wanted to update everyone on me being alive again and hope to see all of my "old" friends soon. Stay B.A.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010


I'm so high I just ralphed. I missed this. I love being happy again some days.

Monday, December 21, 2009

I saw a play and a character said that he was destined to never feel at home.

I hate how I get crazy whenever anything goes the opposite way as it's supposed. After nineteen years you'd figure I'd grow to deal with it. I wish I didn't need to use drugs and alcohol to cover up the pain of hopelessness. I wish I could finally find myself and be happy for real. Maybe I'm just destined to die alone and miserable.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I'm feeling a lot better lately. The rent is paid,the house is clean, and I've got a whole lot of things starting to look up. And most importantly, I'm not hung up on the whole girl situation anymore. There's better people out there and I'm actually starting to realize that. :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

I'll be the first to say it,

I'm going down a terrible path. I don't care anymore. I lost all willpower to live until I find something worth wanting to wake up to.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Since I have no one to speak my mind to

I'll rant over the internet about my problems and difficulties.

It's wednesday and it's raining.
I'm still unhappy.